Family houses are community spaces meant to offer culturally appropriate
support to youth, parents and families guided by Inuit values.
involvement of research
Following various reports highlighting the lack of mental health services for children and youth in Nunavik (Quebec, Canada), high rates of child placements under youth protection, and gaps in the coordination of services, the Regional Partnership Committee of Nunavik decided to prioritize collaborative, community-based approaches to the health and wellbeing of children, youth, and their families. It is in this context that the regional project Ilagiinut (‘For families’) was initiated and is being piloted in Kuujjuaraapik.
This action research project supported the development of a family house in Kuujjuaraapik, documented the process of starting a community project from scratch, including the challenges and facilitators. We are now co-developing tools with regional coordinators to support other communities start their family house process.The project has included interviews with parents, with elders, a door to door survey, community mobilisation workshops and more.